What is involved with brewing beer at home?
How do you create the best tasting home-brewed beer?
Want to learn more about brewing adult beverages?
Are you seeking tips & advice on brewing the perfect cup of coffee or tea?
Looking for the best equipment to use or the perfect brewing recipe?

What To Expect
Brett’s advice and the content on Brew Dog Metrics have been so helpful in my journey of brewing my own pilsner beer at home. I’ve relied on their reviews and tips to find the best equipment and recipes! Read their articles and before you know it, you’ll be an at-home brew master too!
John B, Bethlehem PA
We Are Brewing Fanatics

Are you a curious first-time homebrewer or an experienced brewer looking for new ways to spice up your game?
Either way, I’ve been both and I’m stoked to be able to share my discoveries with you – old and new!
I’m Brett Lewis from Georgia. I’ve been a digital nomad and an avid homebrewer for almost a decade now.
Are you a curious first-time homebrewer or an experienced brewer looking for new ways to spice up your game?
Either way, I’ve been both and I’m stoked to be able to share my discoveries with you – old and new!
I’m Brett Lewis from Georgia. I’ve been a digital nomad and an avid homebrewer for almost a decade now.
I am lucky enough to have a day job that allows me to live life the way I want it – and that means traveling and exploring places!
I first started as a travel and food writer as a sideline while doing my day job.
So you see, I traveled for food… didn’t know I was about to fall in love with a passion of a lifetime!
Going from place to place around America at first, then other parts of the world gave me a peek at different amazing cultures.
And I’ve noticed one thing.
Wherever you may be, wherever you may now live, celebrations (big and small) are mainly marked by cracking a cold bottle of your favorite beverage and sharing it with your family and friends!
I have some remarkable stories that go with certain brands and makes of beer and it’s nice reminiscing about them when I take a sip.
So why not make your own and have a never-ending supply, right?
Here’s the thing…
If you’re wondering if it’s easy or hard starting a homebrewing setup, well – that depends on you.
I suppose I enjoyed the whole process really – looking for and buying the equipment needed, right through to drinking the spoils – and when you’re in the zone, everything is so much easier.
My first time brewing beer was pretty much a disaster. I aimed to replicate this mango craft beer I’d tasted overseas…
… and of course, you can guess what happened when this starry-eyed newbie attempted something advanced, right?
But unlike me, you can avoid messing up big time – if you peruse the pages here, soak it all up, and learn from my mistakes.
I’ve joined forums, met some amazing people that eventually became friends, and have read literally hundreds of books and articles online about homebrewing….
…and let me tell you.
It was ever so slightly confusing. Using all too many sites as my sources in the beginning – things just didn’t really connect.
So now, instead of wasting your time digging through thousands of websites and forums and draining all your time and energy in the process, I’m giving you all the basic knowledge you’ll need to start your homebrew journey…
…and if you’re already a homebrew junkie like me, don’t worry!
There’s still loads in store for you.
I don’t stop learning and I don’t ever want to.
I still experiment and explore with brewing my favorite drinks (most of which I send out to friends and family).
Beer, coffee, wine… you name it!
But enough about us – Let’s talk about you.
So if you want to be a part of my trials, errors, and victorious explorations, just subscribe to Brew Dog Metrics so I can send you regular updates including tips, tricks, hacks, and discoveries I’ve made…. IT’S FREE!
Oh – and I also review the homebrewing essentials I’ve used – the holy grails, disappointment purchases, and all, so you’d know which ones to get and which ones to drop.
And if you know a cool homebrewing product, let me know by dropping me a line so I can give it a try!
Don’t forget to connect with me on Facebook, Pinterest and YouTube so we can chat over a sweating glass of your fave suds!